Setting the standard for excellence in communications access.
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What We Offer

Sign Language Interpretation

If you are seeking nationally certified American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, DAS can meet your need! Our large and ever-growing pool of interpreters, who are both nationally certified and pre-screened with an average of 15+ years of experience, will provide communication access that will exceed your expectations!

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)

DAS has a large network of interpreters with VRI and VRS experience, who can respond quickly to any need clients may have for sign language interpreting services. With the many resources we have in place, DAS is well prepared to handle whatever volume of VRI work each client needs. 

CART Services

In order to provide a readable translation of spoken English into text, a CART writer types 180 words per minute, just a few seconds behind the speaker.

Relay Conference Captioning (RCC)

All our RCC writers are certified and follow the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) Consumer Bill of Rights and Code of Professional Ethics. Our captioners maintain he highest professional standards.

Teaching ASL & Workshops

DAS is able to provide high quality ASL instruction, Deaf Culture workshops, How to Work with an Interpreter, and other topics designed to foster healthy relationships in the workplace and other settings.

Consulting Services

The DAS Inc team has subject matter experts in all aspects of sign language interpreting, working with interpreters, screening interpreters, and Deaf culture.

WHy das?

Why Deaf Access Solutions (DAS) is a trusted leader in providing high quality communication access services for Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities nationwide.

Our achievements 

Approximate annual service hours

certified interpreters

Clients served


nationally certified interpreters


certified cart writers


Nearly 100% fill rate

Company Mission Statement

Deaf Access Solutions (DAS) is a trusted leader in providing high quality communication access services for Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities nationwide. We offer a diverse and extensive network of interpreters who are both nationally certified by RID and pre-screened, and CART writers, who are nationally certified by NCRA. DAS provides reliable customer service through creative strategies and maximizing the use of technology in order to offer the most cost-effective prices. DAS maintains responsive, ethical, and transparent business practices that foster strong relationships, empower Deaf consumers, and create a positive influence in our profession. DAS also believes in giving back to the communities we serve and to those who help accomplish this mission.

From Our Clients
I just wanted you to know that [the CART provider] did a great job for me yesterday as a writer. That instructor went at it non-stop, and [the writer] was with it the whole way and did great. I am very pleased with the job she did. Thanks!
-CART Deaf Consumer

I want to thank DAS interpreters. They were amazing! They really helped me. I was very impressed with DAS. Thanks to the interpreter who interpreted for me, the process went smoothly.
-Vaccination Center Consumer

Let's get in-touch !

Deaf Access Solutions INC.

6900 Wisconsin Avenue #31111
Bethesda, MD 20824
Phone: (202) 391-0074
Text (Video Capability): (202) and 713-5233
Fax: (202) 355-6653

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